1800 parts
90 unique
Preliminary Design Review Slide Deck
Critical Design Review Slide Deck
Design Process Hilights

Final Design
Final Drawings (Highlights)
as sent to the manufacturer, drawings by Erich Bahm
full drawings available here

Container Manufacturing Pictures
finished sheet metal box as picked up from manufacturer

transporting the container back from the manufacturer
test fitting in the chassis for the first time

the front of the container after grinding welds flush

sealing the joins with RTV

the inside of a segment bay before and after sealing seams
test fitting G10 insulation pieces

sanding station for G10

sanding the G10 pieces to fit with proper PPE

setting up glueing station

applying an even expocy coat to G10 pieces

clamping G10 pieces to lid

using weights to hold flor pieces while curing

using clicos and clamps to hold segment pieces wjhile curing
printing component boxes

epoxy-ing segment pieces with teammates

clamping the front component divider

holding the segment pieces during cure
applying kapton tape to remaining exposed metal

fitting lid and weatherstriping

apply HV safety stickers